i woke up early dis morning with one reason
'2 panjat Bukit Soga'
i luv havin d chance 2 b there but not @ 8 am Dr. L
its damn early for me n its on Saturday man!!!!
ousemate aku mcm biasa duk ejek2 aku n Dr L dr mlm td lg...
but dis time aku on je dgn plan nk pg Bkt Soga dgn dia
since aku pn dah lama x bt outdoor activities n badan pn dah lemau..
Dr L pn dah 1000x (not 1000laa..1001 kot..hahaha...i mean uncountable oke) lama ajak n x prnah2 aku nak ikt dia...hahha
n dtemani 'member sekepala n gile' ...Z.Zaf
thanx Z temankan aku...
haha ko fhm prasaan aku yg sumtimes 'eeeeeeeeee' dgn gaya dia..
haha (u guys knw me better)
i tend 2 do dat everytime i hv 2 deal wit people yg agak s0~so nie..gelilaaa...
So after fetch Dr L dpan postguard ktorg pn breakfast dl @ 25 jam
x jauh pn 25 jam dgn ito..took around 5 min from UTHM..
but klu Dr L yg drve aku rs 30 min br smpi kot (dgn gaya 50 km/jam)
dats d only reason knp aku yg nak bwk kreta
So after Dr L blanja breakfast..here we go!!!
nie view dr bwh je since aku mls nak bwk phone pnjat bukit..
next time pg lagi aku bwk phone k..
view dr ats mmg 'marvellous'..
nway to panjat smpi atas took us bout half an hour je
n lepak2 lg took another 30 min
then br trun smula..
ok laa not bad..at least adela jgk calorie yg dibakar
2 those yg x knal Dr L..sorry Dr L xnak xpose kan dr
malu kot...wat evalaa....
then after dah bkr calories ktorg topup blik..hehe
Dr L nak blnja 4 lunch plak..
@ my fav place 2 lepak
thanx Dr L!!!!
*rndu geng lepak Oldtown...Che b n Apit*
*Apit bl nak blik nie???????*
smpi umah @ 12.30am..
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