Galfriend @ Good-Time Gal??
U think u're his galfriend, but does he???
by Ben McKelvey he into u?? or just making u think he is??
Find out now babe!!!!!
- Wud his friends know who u were if they answered his phone?
- Does he call @ text u regularly during dis week?
- When u're together, will he talk 2 u a lot @ not juz talking 2 d phone all d time ?
- Is he b able 2 spend even 15 min free time to meet u up?
- Wud he call 2 see how u r if u took d day off sick?
- Is he willing 2 meet ur friends?
- n does he make an effort once he's there?
- Does he text u 'I Love U" regularly?
If u already get all d answers above..u dun have 2 go further more (lots more questns act)...
juz check d results below
If d results mostly YES :
Congratulations...U're in wat we call d beginning phrase of a relationship. Take it sloww..
Enjoy ur relationship babes..
n if d results mostly NO :
dont get upset...ur results juz like mine.Period.
u know u're havin casual relationship, but u juz dun't want 2 admit it...
whether u still want 2 work harder 2 win his heart or juz learn how 2 accept things as wat it should b or wat he wants it 2 b..
only u knows.....
.@. Bukit. Soga.
i woke up early dis morning with one reason
'2 panjat Bukit Soga'
i luv havin d chance 2 b there but not @ 8 am Dr. L
its damn early for me n its on Saturday man!!!!
ousemate aku mcm biasa duk ejek2 aku n Dr L dr mlm td lg...
but dis time aku on je dgn plan nk pg Bkt Soga dgn dia
since aku pn dah lama x bt outdoor activities n badan pn dah lemau..
Dr L pn dah 1000x (not 1000laa..1001 kot..hahaha...i mean uncountable oke) lama ajak n x prnah2 aku nak ikt dia...hahha
n dtemani 'member sekepala n gile' ...Z.Zaf
thanx Z temankan aku...
haha ko fhm prasaan aku yg sumtimes 'eeeeeeeeee' dgn gaya dia..
haha (u guys knw me better)
i tend 2 do dat everytime i hv 2 deal wit people yg agak s0~so nie..gelilaaa...
So after fetch Dr L dpan postguard ktorg pn breakfast dl @ 25 jam
x jauh pn 25 jam dgn ito..took around 5 min from UTHM..
but klu Dr L yg drve aku rs 30 min br smpi kot (dgn gaya 50 km/jam)
dats d only reason knp aku yg nak bwk kreta
So after Dr L blanja we go!!!
nie view dr bwh je since aku mls nak bwk phone pnjat bukit..
next time pg lagi aku bwk phone k..
view dr ats mmg 'marvellous'..
nway to panjat smpi atas took us bout half an hour je
n lepak2 lg took another 30 min
then br trun smula..
ok laa not least adela jgk calorie yg dibakar
2 those yg x knal Dr L..sorry Dr L xnak xpose kan dr
malu kot...wat evalaa....
then after dah bkr calories ktorg topup blik..hehe
Dr L nak blnja 4 lunch plak..
@ my fav place 2 lepak
thanx Dr L!!!!
*rndu geng lepak Oldtown...Che b n Apit*
*Apit bl nak blik nie???????*
smpi umah @ 12.30am..
* A Christmas's Gift*

It's Christmas Eve...
It's time again to hang your stockings....
keep milk and cookies....
and wait for Santa Claus to drop in at your home
with lots of gifts and Christmas cheer...Make this joyous...
but 2 those who celebrate christmas je oke...
It's time 4 merriment..
There's a merry tune in the air...
to Mr Basil...
wishing u blessings of joy on Christmas Holiday..
miss u....;-)
my *27 dresses* review
*D story is all about*
A young woman (Katherine Heigl) wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister's side as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with after she experienced to serve as a bridesmaid 27 times (omg...can u imagine)
Katherine Heigl, James Marsden, Malin Akerman, Judy Greer, Edward Burns
* Director*
Anne Fletcher
* D review*
dis movie is some sort of pleasantly predictable romantic comedy based on its story line..
* D review*
dis movie is some sort of pleasantly predictable romantic comedy based on its story line..
but overall it was great n fun movie 2 watch esp 2 those who loves chick flicks (like me)..
all i wud say..i luv dis movie bcoz it is type of girly sort of movie wit happy endings...
Katherine Heigl is such a luvly talented actress n she really makes d movie as well as she did in Grey's Anatomy...
*************n d X-Men guy, James Marsden is juz perfect n charming....i like!!!
*************i juz fall in luv wit all d characters.....yes i am!!!
p/s : zack 4 sure setuju dgn aku..heheh...nnti aku bt review 4 ur fav mvie 'twilight' plak oke..heheh
p/s : zack 4 sure setuju dgn aku..heheh...nnti aku bt review 4 ur fav mvie 'twilight' plak oke..heheh
Waiting...waiting n waiting....
When it comes 2 situatn where i hv 2 go 2 klinik ksihatan @ hosp...on d dot aku jd getar, tkt n seram..simptom nie aku dpt since aku 'ribena kid' lg..juz dun knw y..but bl ada geng yg nk pg check or sakit, spontaneously aku yg akan offer diri jd tman...mmg x blh tgk anyone around me ada yg skt2...nanti aku pn akan rs skt jgk....antibodi mmg ln yg skt kaki,aku yg nanti rs x blh lain flu..aku pn rs sma..dats juz me!!
Ok back 2 our tittle post 4 dis entry... My ousemate tba2 je semlm naik ruam2 n skt d whole bdan..n kaki pn bngkak2..nk jln pn xblh tau..sgt dis mrning aku ajak dia pg clinic lg since semlm aku push dia srh pg clinic, dia selamba je ckp 'ok lg' even ktorg tgk muka dia dh mcm udang yummy!!!!hehhe...but dis mrning bl dah bertmbh ruam dia pn jd tkt n bgn2 je trus on d dot decide nak pg...
ktorg smpi sana @ 9.45 am...but aroung 11 am br dpt jmpa doc..org2 kat c2 smua dah immune dah dgn kelambtan dorg utk check pesakit..but 2 those yg x pnah masuk lg Klinik Ksihatan mcm ktorg ni...menunggu kat c2 blh terbakar seat ..tgu, tgu n tgu at last me n another friend decide pg mkn dl...blik dr mkn pun org yg sakit x msuk2 lg...hmmmmmm...d service so damn bad..act d prob is dat bnda 2 blh jd cepat if setiap peg perubatan bt keje msg2...bkn nak kutuklaa but dats d fact..nie x.. got 3 rooms for peg perubatan in there but yg active cma 1...yg lain xtaula pg maner..mayb pengsan kot kt dlm blik 2....huh!!
D results
Dr said tanda2 "chikugunya' (not sure i spell it correctly or not) 2 mcm ada...but dorg x blh nak cnfirm lg since dia br start dmam 2 days ago...but act mcm chicken pox pn ada ruam2 tu...but peg perubatan tu ckp bkn...but we've been advised to refer dis case 2 Hosp Besar Batu Pahat for further i have 2 advise u guys sentiasala sensitif 2 sebarang perubahan pd diri so dat x terlmbt..n alwiz surf for any info berkaitan dgn any kind of diseases yg ada esp yg famous skrg *Chikugunya*..
Master's Engineering
*18 Sept 2006*
Dat was the exact date of my master’s registration day….ms dpt tawaran nie trsgtla hepi compared to ms dpt tawaran msuk utk Master’ Education…juz dun have any idea y i reacted dat way masa tu.. …
but time tu even my parents pn xnak msuk cmpur utk plih mana satu (Master Edu or Master Eng)…but d real thing is..aku mmg pttnye go for Master’ Edu …since dpt scholar dr KPM ms degree...but dun know y my instinct says ‘NO’…papa adala jgk bsing2..n he keep saying dat ‘klu kerajaan hntr letter saman mcmaner’…2 tell u d truth, tkt tu mmgla…maner nak cr duit sebanyak 64k (keje smpi tua pn blm tntu dpt duit byk tu)..but all my frens supported me 2 go 4 master’s engineering…act dlm kpala terfikir jgk, if I go for Master Edu, d only chances I will get is jd lecturer kat Politech or maybe Kolej Komuniti...but if I go for Master Eng I wud have d chance to cr keje in technical line or I pun blh jd lect at d same dat will b an advantage for me ms tulaaa..rite now bl fkr btapa sshnyer nak hbskan research master nie…myesal ckit 2 adala…but not 2 regret d whole thing..coz doing research nie ada bestnya jgk…
frankly speaking, doing research byk ajar aku jd org yg sgt independent especially in doing sumthing yg baru..i mean blaja instrument yg baru n hi-tech, deal dgn supplier n also org luar n of coz d best part is nak deal dgn SV yg byk jgkla kerenah…@#%??…other than that, u akan blaja mcmana nak manage duit grant yg u dpt dr FRGS (Fundamental Research of Grant Scheme) utk research u…SV will juz let u to decide kat mana ptt hbskan duit pndi2 laa as long as u x hbskan kat Summit or BP Mall..haha..(bkn ckit2 tau MOSTI bg...4 dis project dorg dah kluarkan 82k)…so u hv 2 work harder to make sure dorg puas hati wit ur research as been proposed dlm paper work b4 tu….
Ms 1st sem bt research nie ok lg..wlupun xdpt mana2 allowance..pki duit parents dl…but ms 2nd sem brla MOSTI pgl for interview…interview tu mcm haram je..ssah gler..n interviewer dia pn mcm best sgt jer…yg kluar after kna interview tu smua muka biru…including me I guess…yg dipanggil interview around 10 students dr 3 faculties; mechanical, electrical n civil..luckily after few months ktorg dpt gud news..semua dpt tajaan from MOSTI…smua dgn muka happy coz terbayang2 dah every month akan dpt elaun RM1,500..mcm gaji plak..n all study fees akan ditanggung sepenuhnya….yahooo!!! but hepi 2 kjap jer…coz procedure utk process n everythin ambil ms yg sgt lama…ms 2nd Sem barula duit tu masuk dlm account…sdih btul…but ‘backdated’ oke….mcm bulan jatuh ke riba..hahaha..
Ms 1st sem bt research nie ok lg..wlupun xdpt mana2 allowance..pki duit parents dl…but ms 2nd sem brla MOSTI pgl for interview…interview tu mcm haram je..ssah gler..n interviewer dia pn mcm best sgt jer…yg kluar after kna interview tu smua muka biru…including me I guess…yg dipanggil interview around 10 students dr 3 faculties; mechanical, electrical n civil..luckily after few months ktorg dpt gud news..semua dpt tajaan from MOSTI…smua dgn muka happy coz terbayang2 dah every month akan dpt elaun RM1,500..mcm gaji plak..n all study fees akan ditanggung sepenuhnya….yahooo!!! but hepi 2 kjap jer…coz procedure utk process n everythin ambil ms yg sgt lama…ms 2nd Sem barula duit tu masuk dlm account…sdih btul…but ‘backdated’ oke….mcm bulan jatuh ke riba..hahaha..
But then again happy 2 kjap je…coz ada prob lain plak…we had prob 2 buy instrument n chemical stuff yg urgent utk guna bt experiment…ms tu FRGS x luluskan lg follow-up…the only respon yg ktorg dpt…’in process’…I know bukan snang nak kluarkan duit yg bsar but at least universiti has 2 play their role tlg student rather than juz biarkan research kna stop semata2 xder bhn chemical or instrument x ckup…Faculty dah xder budget utk keluarkan 4 student master research coz btl jgk like they said, klu smua budget dkeluarkan utk student research bli instrument bout student degree…coz student degree mmg juz ada budget dr fac je..compared to student master blh apply grant dr luar…so bl dh ckp mcm tu, nothing much u can say selain dr u juz stop complaining smpila grant research masing2 dpt… can u imagine grant tu dpt ms ktorg dah nak msuk 2nd year….sethn jgk hbskan ms bt testing yg simple2 juz bcoz u xder duit nak bli instrument n bhn chemical…n I had xperience where I hv no choice than juz guna duit sndiri bli chemical yg beratus jgk ..nsib allowance dah dpt ms tu…but xpelah tu smua asam garam bl u bt research..n ms tu pn I realized dat I wont b able 2 finish my master within 2 years dgn byk mslh2 yg mcm nie....but I juz go wit d flow…
n alhamdulillah I have finished all the lab testing…n rite now juz keep waiting for my draft thesis to be accepted…dorg akan check d whole thing including format, content n bla…bla…bla….then barula blh hntr ke external panels to approved whether u layak x utk VIVA…hmmmm…k laa...i think dis entry yg plg pnjang skali so far…so better I stop dl…nnti I crite ckit psl research I plak k….daaaa…
so sweet
2.30 am - cb ajak tman amik bfren dia @ trminal b.pahat...
3.00 am - wady smpi bp..
3.30 am - lepak minum jap
4.15 am - smpi umh
Act i bkn nk crite bout d time or where i go..but i juz wanna share btapa sweetnya they were dh lm x jmpa,sgt cute bl msg2 usik2 each othr..cutela sgt2..i ddk seat blkg jd pemerhati bebas..haha..honestly 2 me bkn senang tau nk dpt bfren yg sggup trun dr jauh naik bus juz bcoz of 1 luvly reason.. * want 2 meet up hs gal..n catch up thngs 2gethr * n i can c those beautful feelgs they had when they meet up face 2 sweet 2 feel dat moment infront of me..obviously wlupn cb ngantk (dats 4 sure), but kesengihannya x dpt nk dicover lg..hehe as well as wady..i yg xde kna mgena mcm lalat pn excted jgk..hehe! Mayb jgk tringat yg lpas2 kot ms bfren i bt bnda yg damn sweet n rmantc..bwk bunga lg!! K stop..back 2 our topic...sbnrnya mmg senang nk bt pmpn trharu..u dtg je naik bus dh blh bt pmpn ckp u 'sweet like candy' ..hehe or rmantc n caring..x pyh susah2 nk bt bnda ln...simple kn..tmbh lg zaman skrg ni smua org bz kejar duit 4 their own living ..esp guys where pmpn2 smua kna fhm n accept dat in dis case, i respect him 4 doin dat 2 hs fiance eventhg he vry bz ulang alik 2 brunei n fact dis mnday ni pn dia kna pg brunei lg..but he b able 2 spend ms yg dia blh guna utk rehat time weeknd utk gal dia..again i hv 2 tel u dat u r so sweet wady (hehe pujian ni bkn sbb ko blnja teh tarik td k)...d most important thng is i knw u really luv her n i cn c dat..i wish u guys wil b 2getr smpila anak cucu nanti k..
2.30 am - cb ajak tman amik bfren dia @ trminal b.pahat...
3.00 am - wady smpi bp..
3.30 am - lepak minum jap
4.15 am - smpi umh
Act i bkn nk crite bout d time or where i go..but i juz wanna share btapa sweetnya they were dh lm x jmpa,sgt cute bl msg2 usik2 each othr..cutela sgt2..i ddk seat blkg jd pemerhati bebas..haha..honestly 2 me bkn senang tau nk dpt bfren yg sggup trun dr jauh naik bus juz bcoz of 1 luvly reason.. * want 2 meet up hs gal..n catch up thngs 2gethr * n i can c those beautful feelgs they had when they meet up face 2 sweet 2 feel dat moment infront of me..obviously wlupn cb ngantk (dats 4 sure), but kesengihannya x dpt nk dicover lg..hehe as well as wady..i yg xde kna mgena mcm lalat pn excted jgk..hehe! Mayb jgk tringat yg lpas2 kot ms bfren i bt bnda yg damn sweet n rmantc..bwk bunga lg!! K stop..back 2 our topic...sbnrnya mmg senang nk bt pmpn trharu..u dtg je naik bus dh blh bt pmpn ckp u 'sweet like candy' ..hehe or rmantc n caring..x pyh susah2 nk bt bnda ln...simple kn..tmbh lg zaman skrg ni smua org bz kejar duit 4 their own living ..esp guys where pmpn2 smua kna fhm n accept dat in dis case, i respect him 4 doin dat 2 hs fiance eventhg he vry bz ulang alik 2 brunei n fact dis mnday ni pn dia kna pg brunei lg..but he b able 2 spend ms yg dia blh guna utk rehat time weeknd utk gal dia..again i hv 2 tel u dat u r so sweet wady (hehe pujian ni bkn sbb ko blnja teh tarik td k)...d most important thng is i knw u really luv her n i cn c dat..i wish u guys wil b 2getr smpila anak cucu nanti k..
2 days @ my hometown Kuantan
I'm BACK!!!
For almost a year I x blik Ktn..(Bkt Sekilau 2 b exact…hehehe), perasaan yg sgt hepi mmg dah x blh nak cover….dr pg I bgn tersgt awal..juz bcoz nak smpi cepat kat Ktn…sungguh bersemangat drpd biasa!!!
Those are pics sepnjg I ada kt Ktn….Enjoy!!!!!! K I start dgn
5th Dec…

Hepi Birthday 2 u……
Hepi Birthday 2 u……
Hepi Birthday 2 AB…..
Hepi Birthday 2 u……Muuahhhh….hepi birthday 2 luvly niece…dah bsar dah bdk sorg nie…
Wish u sntiasa sihat n jgnlaa notty2 sgt k…study rjin2…n no more ponteng2 sek…
N x luper 2 my luvly…Hepi 26th birthday on dis comin 7th Dec…sorry sgt2 I cant b there..i alwiz wish I were there wit u…celebrating ur bday 2gether…but nk bt mcmaner…sll I xder rezki nak bt mcm tukan…but its ok nanti jmper u kat saner k…I have sumthing 4 u….:-)*ur dearie……*
6th Dec…

Spent time wit mama, adik n AB @ East Coast Mall…we had our lunch kat Johnys…super duper yummy!!!N lbih rasa yummy lg when other guy yg tlg byarkan our bill….haiyoo…klu tau mkn lbih lagi…hehehe!!
7th Dec…
We went to Jelita wit Papa… usual klu smpi cnie mmg WAJIB makan Lamb Chop!!!! Hehe…abg chubby yg mmg sgt terror n pakar bt lamb chop…mmg clazzz….hotel 5 stars pn blh kalah tau..klu u guys nak tau…dis place juz opposite dgn Post Office Kuantan…dkat sgt….u guys mmg kna try…sure nangis pnyer!!! ;-) n d other pic kat bwh tu…juz 2 show sign board of Jln Bkt Sekilau…wuuuhuuuuu Sekilau HILL!!! ;-)

Then tgh hepi2 enjoy bt preparation for 2moro (raya haji)….tba2 je electric xde…sgt kejamla pasal 2 pasaraya yg I sll bli brg dapur pun gelap…smua org nak cr brg pn kna guna light dr phone msg2..2 make it even worst..nak bli tpung jagung, terambik tpung kek, nak bli chili sauce terbeli tomato sauce...haha…mls byk ckp lg…I end my day dgn smua yg serba keji n x kena..smpilaa sumthin happened dat nite....…n again I lgkapkan kekejian hari I dgn tangisan yg sgt bodoh…~~~~~~~~~:-( :
So dat nite after dah siap everything utk raya esk….i juz lepak in my room smbil pack my stuff utk bwk esok…2moro i pg KL tgk my bro n fmily…fyi my bro one of them yg tgl kat Bkt Antarabangsa….his ouse @ Kyoto Garden…
Sian dorg x dpt beraya kat umah sndiri dis year….
x pelahh take it all dis as cubaan n ujian dr Allah k…
yg ptg u guys still blh braya dgn ktorg…siap plan bwk rendang lg…
Sian dorg x dpt beraya kat umah sndiri dis year….
x pelahh take it all dis as cubaan n ujian dr Allah k…
yg ptg u guys still blh braya dgn ktorg…siap plan bwk rendang lg…
~my 2008 hair style~
For the past few years, i didn’t do nythin 2 my hair…konon2 nyer nk smpan pnjglaa…n hingga ke akhirnyer I mmg dpt smpan pnjg….c…..2 me smpi dada i pn dah sgt sgt pnjg…n sgt merimaskan…n d most important thing….BORING!!!!!!
For the past few years, i didn’t do nythin 2 my hair…konon2 nyer nk smpan pnjglaa…n hingga ke akhirnyer I mmg dpt smpan pnjg….c…..2 me smpi dada i pn dah sgt sgt pnjg…n sgt merimaskan…n d most important thing….BORING!!!!!!
N bl dah smpi tahap x tahan n sgt boring dgn style yg sama (rebond which is x ssuai sgt dgn bntuk muka I as been said by Mr Zul …..nie laa jdnyer…I spent 4 hours kat saloon nie ‘try n error’ on which hair style yg sesuai…(sgt keji aunty nie ckp ‘try n error’ tau….but I tau aunty nie pun dah pening…hehhe sorry aunty)…finally ………………dptla idea utk perm kan rmbut rosak I nie (which is called japanese perm)…at first not bad….i really luv my new hair style…smpi blik naik bus pn blh tersengih sorg2…n smbil mkn pizza wit che b pn blh smbg discuss bout rmbut nie lg…..hahha….dats me…klu dah sk 1 thing..i will keep talking bout it… nie pics of my hair dr dpan n blkg..
N bl dah smpi tahap x tahan n sgt boring dgn style yg sama (rebond which is x ssuai sgt dgn bntuk muka I as been said by Mr Zul …..nie laa jdnyer…I spent 4 hours kat saloon nie ‘try n error’ on which hair style yg sesuai…(sgt keji aunty nie ckp ‘try n error’ tau….but I tau aunty nie pun dah pening…hehhe sorry aunty)…finally ………………dptla idea utk perm kan rmbut rosak I nie (which is called japanese perm)…at first not bad….i really luv my new hair style…smpi blik naik bus pn blh tersengih sorg2…n smbil mkn pizza wit che b pn blh smbg discuss bout rmbut nie lg…..hahha….dats me…klu dah sk 1 thing..i will keep talking bout it… nie pics of my hair dr dpan n blkg..
But few weeks after kegembiraan dgn rmbut baru…….somethin bad happen 2 my hair……so SAD n hancuss…….nothin much I can say bout it….juzzz hmmmmm……so SAD because I had spent much on dat ..but at last……Hmmm…:-(:-(
Then 2 weeks after dat….(bl dah x sggup lg trkenangkan duit yg dah mlayang juz like dat)….i pun bt decision nak ptg je rmbut…taraaaaaaaaa……..
My new hair look………x la ok sgt…but blhlaaaaa….jnji mama yg blnja…hehehe…thanks mama!!!!
*search & REsearch *
ok 4 dis entry..tgk tittle pn mcm serious ckit...(ckit jer tp...dun worry)k i wanna share wit u guys bout wat im currently student of masters by research...major in water nwastewater engineering (sounds boring but believed me quite interesting tau...maybe bcoz of i minat jgk kot..hehe) im so in luv doin
technical stuff (i mean keje2 engineeringlaaa) yg kna bt keje mcm llaki...
but ppl out there slalu rs pmpn mcm i x mampu nk bt..(sgt keji kan!!)..
but its ok...back to our entry tittle research is about
(fuhh sgt panjang tjuk research i..) 1st time dpt tjuk nie..took me 2 days
utk berfikir...can i do it...coz i x fhm 1 ape pun bout d tittle...hahaha..
but my fren keep tellin me...u can do it!! i pn giv a try jelaa...
but after few weeks i start doing it...wah...quite interesting...s mpi x blh
stop dah...hahha! (1st2 dl smpi terlebih rjin...weekend pn nak pg lab jgk)
smpi technician kata i penternak bacteria yg terbaik EVER!!! (smpi hati..sgt keji kata2 tu..
but i really miz those tech2 yg pnah keje sma2 dgn i dl..esp En Suhaimi...MISH U!!)

Futsal time!!
Im so hepi 2day coz finally i had d chance 2 play futsal wit my big fmly plus my cousns..sounds so cool kn...yup we hv so much fun! Evnth most of us dh flat..but game ttp dtruskn..n d best part is our so calld-pom2 gal blh nyanyi 'wonder pet' theme song kt tepi court..haha! I wonder bl lg blh spent time 2gethr mcm nie.. MIS U ALL...n u too DODO!!:-*
*Brand New of Batu Pahat*
Sounds weird kan when i say *brand new of Batu Pahat*...hehhe quite cynical act..
but 2 those ppl yg mcm i...i mean almost 8 years i've been livin here ( n study)
lots of changes u can c since year so proud man !!!
n suprisingly...BP skrg dah ada drive thru McD tau...WAH!!!!(u guys jgn gelak..hehhe)
n we gonna have another mall- SQUARE MALL...(blh tahanlaa..but its not as big as BP Mall)...even to some ppl..bnda2 baru niedah lapuk esp org2 kl n utk student2 kat cnie yg terpaksa
but 2 those ppl yg mcm i...i mean almost 8 years i've been livin here ( n study)
lots of changes u can c since year so proud man !!!
n suprisingly...BP skrg dah ada drive thru McD tau...WAH!!!!(u guys jgn gelak..hehhe)
n we gonna have another mall- SQUARE MALL...(blh tahanlaa..but its not as big as BP Mall)...even to some ppl..bnda2 baru niedah lapuk esp org2 kl n utk student2 kat cnie yg terpaksa
bt outdoor activities @ outing kat Parit Raja jer.. stuff like dis sgtla meng'happy'kan least ada port nak lepak 24 hour (selain mamak 25 jam)..btl x guys?? hehe..
me - myself - mine

finally........i have my own blog...
nothing much i wud say for my 1st n fresh post here...
juz let u guys know bout me.... 10 things bout me..
- very simple
- sweet..(kdg2laa)
- serious sumtimes (time keje je oke)
- extraordinary silly..(dis is wat ppl keep tellin me..huh)
- shopaholic
- perfectionist (esp in doing my work)
- luv doing sumthing challenging
- very independent
- choc freak..
- quite responsible person...
In my family
- im d third of 4 siblings
- my name was given by my cousin...(pttla x best sgt)
- im very close wit my adik..
- during my childhood days..i tersgtlaa pemalu..
- im a gud listener in my family (hmm...mama is my regular client)
- nmpk slow..but im quite active student ms sek..(my parents was shocked ms 1st time tgk certificate i)
- dulu i got athma..(pity me)
- gud partner to be wit bl saper2 dlm fam nak shopping...:-)
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