
3.00 pm

surprise! surprise
i never tot in my whole life i gonna have 1
not even hav d engagement ceremony itself but also havin things like
'i am his fiancee' (sambil geleng kepala...lawak...lawak....)
all dis while, kalau orang tanya i always stick 2 dis line
'aku xnak bertunanglaa..aku nak terus kawin'

hah!!! kan dahhhhh..;-)

so on d date, me n all my fam members berkumpul d Kuantan
nak sambut zul's family (yuh! yuh! its Zul oke)
sampai around 2 pm..makan2 dulu (break d 'adat melayu' rules)
then baru start discussion

papa wakil tuan rumah, while 4 zul's side his uncle did d talk

majlis selesai after his mother sarung cincin kat i n we were havin simple photo session right after dat
everything went very sweet, easy n simple
alhamdulillah...no hanky-panky

d ceremony itself juz took not more than 1 hour pun
but d real thing is, prep 4 d ceremony punyerla susah
everythin had 2 b done last-minute due to my work in KL
i juz tempah everythin n mama n kakak do d deal
until dat morning i still bz kat luar buying things
buah x cukup...fresh flowers...bla..bla...
but worth it!! (except 4 d make-up...serious i dun like my face dat day..nmpk garang)

so let d pix tells u everythin...plot of my engagement day starts wit

Made up by Nurul (eventho i kept tellin' her i nak very lite, simple n natural..but end up........Tebal SGTla NURUL!!! :-( . But rambut part, i like!)
siap juz on time (but dh x sempat nak alter2 dh)

me wit BFF, ebba * wit my cousin, Hada

Sharp @ 3.00 (c ada bukti..hehe), aunty sarungkan cincin

salam2 session after dah selesai sarung cincin

me wit zul (yuh..yuh..tunang aku ;-) )

me wit zul's kakak, adik n kakak ipar * Hantaran from us * Discussion

wit aunties n cousins * wit pija n pina * tok, aunties n cousins

my 2-hero-cousins-yg setia-membantu

selendang dh dibuang ;-)..cam-whoring session

wit BFF, Saebah (thanx 4 comin babe)

tok, aunties n papa (papa sgt cbuk..sian papa)

again wit tok, aunties, cousins..again. again (jgn pelik, my big fam mmg giler bergmbr..;-))

dats all..
thanx semua tok, aunties, cousins n frens yg datang...
terima kasih byk2

a day 2 remember


Anonymous said...

* wink!! be the 1st person nk coment!! haha.. congrats2 darling.. mcm biasela cpt2 jd jiran aku..mmg tk sangka2 kn? pape pun..slamat menghadapi dugaan & cabaran alam pertunangan nnt.. but evrthyg will be fine soon..so, cpt2 kawen k. sabar & tabah menghadapinya dugaan ..If nawaitu kite baik, TUHAN akan di sisi kita..i'm always be with u dear.. apey 4 u sgt2..

aiSya iRa said...

congratez c.a!!!!
hepi 4u dear...
i like ur cloth la c.a...
maybe orgnye cun kot...
neway, congrate dear!!!
smoge kekal ke akhir hayat...

beah said...

huhu..congratz ye..
cantek2..simple yet very nice..

mira omar said...

woih..suspect tul la...hehe
anywy..tahniah..moga slamat lah hendaknya...cun ja...tp apsal si zul x pkai bj mlayu..spoil ja...kim salam tahniah utk zul skali ek...pesan kat dia jaga hg bek2...:p

jessyazimah said...

wehhh..tahniah..sowy kami sume xdtg coz kami p jln2 honeymoon kt cameron..haha
hang kawin nnt kami mai..hehe

Anonymous said...

congrats beb!!!!heheheh...aku suka...at last angpa jd gak..hehehhehe...

Machicken said...

Sis...Am i the last person who know about your engangement? sampai ati =(
Nyway...congrats..nnti nikah jgn lupe jemput lak....bile la nk sampai turn bai lak...huhuhuuu

Unknown said...


nothing much 2 say..
juz 'alhamdulillah' n 'amin'
thanx babe

Ira, Beah
Thank u...thank u...

Unknown said...


part zul x pakai baju melayu???
kena tnye empunya badan
no comment


at lasttt dgn x-BF jgak


hah cameron??????
knapa x ajak aku??
x aciiiiii......


sorry..it was unplanned
but dun worry
kenduri nnti wajib hadir k

p/s : thanx 4 all d wishes guys..
miss u all

Anonymous said...

che aaaaaa...........
congratz to both of u..cpt kawen, nanti tua2 susah plak. :) -arip-

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

my dear azEEra,

finally....congrats! happy sgt tgk kau dah bertunang. Tak sabar lak nk tunggu 101010. kau cantik sgt with the dress & make up. I likeeeee...

Unknown said...

2 1 of my 'm&G' geng, Eja..
thank u..thank u..

kau kna potong sebelah badan kau tau
or guna 'surrogates' (haha..br semlm aku layan movie nie..best2)
perak or KL????


chepah said...

alamak...nape my comment x publish ni?hhuhuhu..xpe la, komen lg skali..heheh...cntik btol azeera..sb mmg tuan die cntik pon..=) mekap natural je..nak ambik ilham ni..hukhuk...anyway, best wishes to both of u, moga pertunangan ni berkekalan hingga ke jinjang pelamin n seterusnya ke hingga akhir hayat...wahhh..aminnn...tp, azeera doakan sy dl la, pasai sy akan mkn garam dulu..hehehehehhehehehheheh...

"pis pis..kamu jangan nakal"

Unknown said...


sengal tau..
che pah org 1st yg aku inform
tp dia org last yg bg comment

nway thanx

jgn sebut bab natural
klu tgk real..x lgsg..

ooowww..eksyen yea..
xper sape mkn garam dulu..
dia akan bonyot dulu
hahahaha...i LIKE!!!

Che pah baju itew tersgt mahal
make sure worth it tau
x sbr nak tgk baju tunang itu

Unknown said...

weh...bila nak updote blog lagi ni??
PD ape cer....?

chepah said...

hahha..dh komen awal2 tau aritu...xkuar plak..hihih...baju tunang dh siap da..sgt puas hati..nt kite tgk ramai2..HAHAHA...a'a, bila nk update blog lg?

Unknown said...

Che pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

sgt puas hati???
sgt x sbr nak tgk...

nway congrats...
bulat merah....bulat merah....

comin soon..
sgt bz lately...
dgn template crashed lagi..
after dah ada new setting, will updote later key..