
its about my entry title

wat a nice n symbolic date

y symbolic???
1 thing 4 sure..
not my birth date neither my wedding date (opppss..merepek)

i literally luv dat number..triple 9!!
yuh i know its juz a number but it's my mom's birthday oke

Hepi Birthday MAMA!!!!!
(Sayang mama...peluk mama kuat2!!!)

luvly thing bout my special mama :

* mama saya sgt suka bercakap (2 those yg pernah jmpa mama sy 4 suuuuuuureeeee setuju), sgt peramah n suka bercerita (wlupun sumtimes she keep telling me d same story again n again..hehe..tp sy oke je)

* taste mama sama mcm saya bcoz dia sentiasa berjiwa muda (esp in choosing color baju. I like blue, purple, pink, turqoise bla..bla..n suprisingly tu smua favvy color mama. Mgkin saya yg tiru mama..hehe)

*mama sgt strict yet very understanding (if she said u hav 2 b at home @ 10, then she will called u sharp @ 10..haha dis part sy selalu kna mrh coz bkn shj terlewat 10 min but almost 2 hours..opppss)

*mama sy sensitive at times. esp when it comes to papa thing (papa sy notty suka sakat org)

*mama ada 10 adik beradik (bunyi pun sgt meriah kan). I luv all my aunts n uncles (act ada 1 uncle shj). Smua sgt sporting, luv gosipping n 1 kepala dgn sy (especially u..aunty Ya n Aunty Na). Semua sifat hampir sama n banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk cakap jugak.

*mama luv collecting shoes n handbags (shoes-addict part saya warisi dr mama). Tp mama x gila lingeria seperti saya (haha... cant imagine if she does)

*mama sgt suka shopping (everytime teman mama confirm kaki melecet n papa siap sempat tido 3,4 round dlm kreta br mama sedar dat she need to stop shopping *sigh*)

*mama x mkn ikan sungai (but we d whole fam sgt suka ikan patin)

*mama ada set make-up yg lengkap (kami suka curi2 guna make-up mama- adakah ini satu confession???? opppps)

*mama sgt pandai manage duit (instead of half portion of it goes to d shopping mall..;-)). Sumtimes mcm pelik mama still got cash in her wallet after she did her shopping-spree. She kinda-woman who has set it all in her mind before do sumthing (do-list-kinda...juz like me).

*dulu mama saya nurse. Then after married, she became ousewife.

*mama sgt terer masak. Every time we celebrate our Hari Raya in Penang, 4 sure all my aunts akan tgu mama utk masak all d raya dishes (dats how special my mama in cooking). Not only raya, if there's kenduri or wateva, they alwiz asked mama 2 cook 4 them.

*mama alwiz there when i hav problems or anything (without me have 2 call her..she alwiz hav dat instinct dat i do hav a problems dat time...which sumtimes really amazed me...really.

act 2 put in one entry not enough 2 write everything bout my mom. She is one truly special mama in dis whole world.

mama Aishah...u r d best!!!

LUV U til bits



Unknown said...

heppy birthday to mama azEEra...
mama kau masak sedap ek...nak rasa coz aku suka makan...suka sangat..huhu

Unknown said...


kau kna trun kuantan la camtu
aku blh jd navigator kau plak
asyik kau je tunjuk 'pro' kat KL nie


(ikhlas dari aku yg slalu sesat)

Unknown said...

babe, kau sure ke kat Kuantan kau boleh jadi navigator? huhu

aku takde la pro sgt, tapi boleh la..

tiba2 low prof... ;-)

Anonymous said...

epi belated besday mama...hahhaa

Unknown said...


sgt chumel when every1 of u
called my mum, mama..

sungguh chumel

btw thanx 4 all d wishes
(on behalf of 'MAMA')