
Chakkkkkkk!!! (wat a cute intro mama Yusuf!!!)

Last post was way back in December 2012 with a title 'yearly-post-sigh'

So here i am, pop UP (ehhh cute plak aku rasa perkataan ni..chaaakkk ;p) for d first time in 2013!!

Yesterday was PRU13, since hari ni xada yg nak announce cuti maka bertapala saya di ofis seorang diri

Maka adalah masa untuk update blog yg dah jadi hutan rimba ni.

Talking about PRU13, nothing much i wanna say..D.E.V.A.S.T.A.T.E.D!!! i cannot sleep lastnite after Malaysia got the results as well as dis morning..Im still asking myself y there no changes as wat i expected to b. 

To me the DAMAGED has been done & majority have done their part by casting their votes, so i as a gov servant need to just focus to my work n hit the best as i could. 

Working hard, tawakal n doa for the next five years. No regret!

Boringlaaa for the past few months been talking bout politics till 2.00am last nite, so just wanna put a BIG fullstop NOW. Lets tune to other channel.

Currently my pregnancy sudah mencapai 14 weeks dan alhamdulillah tiada sickness just like baby Yusuf dulu. Yusuf sekarang dah 1 tahun 5 bulan & he is very positive knowing that he gonna b ABANG soon. 

(He used to call himself as ABAM..hihi cute kan?)

My husband been very busy with his business..LDC with lots of project running n yess he just got his new company car which really fascinate him in many ways. Owh not only him, Yusuf too. He keep telling other ppl 'Kereta Fordch (Ford) abah, Hebatch (Hebat)' *He loves to add 'ch' in some of his words. Si cheeky boy mmg suka mengada dengan cara itu ;p

Work. Saya masih Pegawai J41 yg BUSY dengan kerja. Ditambah dengan surat arahan menanggung tugas J52..EXTRA lagi. Mula2 pening, kusut, serabut. But now dah ok since saya ada kawan2 yg banyak tolong n support saya.

Saya tidak terima bulat2 tawaran ini. Beberapa kali tolak sehinggalah Pengarah x bersetuju dengan alasan penolakan saya. Saya terima. Saya redha. Honestly sejak ditawarkan langsung tak terfikir pasal elaun menanggung or wateva..wat i had in mind just a bebanan tugas samada sy mampu pikul atau x dgn keadaan yg baru 1 bulan pregnant masa itu. But since semua org cakap its good for my career path..i just take the challenge & go with d flow. But seriously saya tidak kisah if anything happens dlm tempoh menanggung, sekiranay nak tarik balik or wat so eva. If tak layak, u boleh tarik, if u think i can b a good 52, let me do my job dengan cara saya sendiri. 

Saya garang dan degil orangnya. Yes I AM! (bukan bangga tapi AKUI kelemahan diri). Jika saya rasakan itu SALAH, saya akan provekan itu salah no matter wat. Tak kira awak boss saya atau x. Setakat ini, dah beberapa kali saya terpaksa tegur boss sy tidak kira dlm mesyuarat atau apa. So saya sentiasa put myself at a-ready-to-go mode jika beliau x suka cara saya. Saya tak suka TIPU, bg ARAHAN salah kepada states n district dan buat kerja yg bukan TUGASAN RASMI saya. Senang bekerja seperti ini. So far x ada masalah kerana apa yg saya tak suka semua org boleh tahu sbb i will express it on d dot. Saya tak simpan. Apa yg saya tahu di ofis saya stress dan balik rumah saya dah campak stress itu dalam tong sampah. Cuma penat memang sangat penat. Dengan keadaan yg mengandung, sy senang tercungap2..Memang mama boyot.N i put on weight sudah 5 kilos di usia kandungan 3 bulan. Wahhh tahniah :p

Utk 2013, saya doakan yg terbaik untuk Malaysia (againn masih teringat results semalam), terbaik utk family saya, kerjaya saya,  business husband saya, our hero Yusuf n baby dalam perut ni of cos. Saya juga sentiada doakan kesihatan yg baik utk my parents, in laws n semua ahli keluarga saya. 



Halooo...i am practically out of breath as i write this down n seriously malu & feel like my blog shouldn't b named as daily dose..dusshhhh to myself!! ok collapsed.

Kinda feel of 'theres so much things to do yet so little time' is really an a** feeling u know. I hate it. Belah badan kepada tiga pun belum tentu selesai. I know i need to prioritize here..but hey every line of my 'Things To Do' need my urgent attention...berebut-rebut semua nak duduk no. 1. Then u tell me how to handle it? Otherwise, i get extra eyes, hands and brain dat can juggle 4 things at a time. Kau gila!!!!

Obviously, starting mid of 2011, i just lost every second of my life. Yuhh memang sejak saya dapat jawatan tetap dan saya ditempatkan di unit-yang-semua-orang-tak-mau-duduk dan saya-penyelamat-yang-lain. Superwoman di situ. Bluwekkk. 

Standing now at the end of 2012 is another story. Fikir balik how am i dealing with every sh** happens in 2012. Ehhh sorry not everything in 2012 i play with sh**. There r also roses in between, especially those happened during my induksi. Ok boleh senyum balik. 

INDUKSI. Attended in September 2012. Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly dan tiada emosi nak buat2 pening or malas nak pergi sukan petang or syukur no one involved with histeria-thingy walaupun tempat itu adalah seraaaaaaammmmm. Paling best induksi ni sebab as i enjoying every moment kerana-tak-mahu-rasa-stress -induksi dan langsung tak ambil pusing hal sekeliling pada mulanya serta dari awal induksi-asyik-mengusik-orang, TIBA-TIBA tidak semena-mena (betulke ayat aku ni....hmmm ok suka hati aku) TING!!!! Satu : Dilantik jadi AJK Sukan Wanita. Dua : AJK Makan Malam Induksi. Tiga : Peserta Induksi Terbaik Wanita. Empat dan yang paling tak boleh blaah (ok jangan gelakkan aku semua. Tarik Nafas) : Peserta Wanita Paling Anggun. Hahahahaha. Bak kata adik aku, yg vote tu semua rabun. Ciss ok terima kasih adik sayang.

Roses la sangat kan. Hihi

Alamak dah lunch hour. Lets make a quick one.

I hate-love-hate 2012. 2013 is just few days more. Doa, doa, crossing fingers for 2013. 

Today is Friday and as usual i start counting minutes to b at home n enjoying weekends to bits. Cannot wait to spend time sleeping my ass off with Yusuf n b a pretty-couch-potato.

Award in your career is just nothing without a happy life
Work is just cannot finish somehow. Never stop.
Love will easily dissapers if u dont cherish them. 
Time surely flies...

Seriously feel like quitting my job. But u know me, i wont raise white flag easily.
How to find way out  when ur work went well alhamdulillah and ur boss keep giving you extra points in your LNPT marks..they just like you but you dont....

Dats it.


Today is 13th July 2012. 2012?????? dah 2012?? seriously 2012????? betulke ni? macamana dalam senarai post nie belum wujud post untuk 2012? hilangke my post??

Ok Azeera enough drama...haihhh wat a 'bz bee' me. i have no idea wat happen actually to me all dis while until i dun ever noticed i havent blog for so longgggggg. Sorry bloggers. Anyway i have to say dat i am very happy with my life now. So many CHANGES, so many WORKLOADS and so occupied with things around me. Nama pun mama & isteri kan (wink!). Dats it!!

Obviously, there are BIG change in my life starting 2012. There r :

a) Lahirnya si cheeky, Noor Yusuf Noor Zulfadhli. 
b) Sangat 'glu' dengan kerja. Masa Yusuf 3 bulan, saya sudah busy outstation. Hmmm my boss sudah sibuk sms saya walaupun sy masih cuti bersalin. Tidak patut! Its my maternity leave hokey.
c) Dis list goes on n on with just lame excuse, OUTSTATION!! 

Owh to finish up the whole story of Yusuf is just a BIG thing dat need to spend quite a time. So do excuse me for that n promised will update bout it SOON (sila simpan perkataan 'soon' ini kerana saya tahu anda sudah tidak mahu mempercayainya. Hihi). 

Ok do check out my post of dis cheeky boy soon!!
